Location: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN
Dates: January – March, 2022
Description: As part of a DOE Science Graduate Student Research award, the research project will investigate the structure and dynamics of Li2TMO2 (TM = Cu, Ni) via neutron scattering. The project will focus on two magnetic materials, dilithium copper oxygen (Li2CuO2) and dilithium nickel oxygen (Li2NiO2) to investigate intrinsic magnetic properties. “By studying how neutrons scatter off the two materials, I will learn what type of magnetic order they each show and how the interactions between the Cu/Ni atoms lead to that order.”(Zoghlin).
Relevance to Research: “Working with Matt Stone, who is an expert in neutron scattering, is a fantastic opportunity for me to improve my mastery of a technique that can only be carried out at dedicated facilities like ORNL. While a lot can be learned from books, there is nothing like hands-on experience to truly learn how to carry out an experiment.” -Zoghlin