Klaus Ensslin, ETH Zurich, Correlated Electron States in Twisted Double Bilayer Graphene

Date and Time
Elings Hall Room 1601
Klaus Ensslin


Klaus Ensslin
ETH Zurich


Klaus Ensslin studied physics at ETH Zurich and obtained his PhD from the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart. He continued as a postdoc at the University of California in Santa Barbara and at the University of Munich. Since 1995 he is Professor at ETH Zurich. Since 2010 be is director of the National Center of Research on “Quantum Science and Technology”.


In bilayer graphene twisted with large angles (> 10 degrees) we have shown that one can directly extract the electronic thickness of graphene from transport experiments. In twisted bilayer graphene (again with large twist angles) crystal fields give rise to a bandgap even without any applied verticla electric fields. for small twist angles we observe a number of phases, some a recoupled single particle phases, other have a correlated nature.
