Cancelled: Vadim Oganesyan: Phase Diagram of 2D Ising Models in the Complex Temperature Plane and of 1D Non-Unitary Quantum Circuits

Vadim Oganesyan
Professor of Physics
The City University of New York
Statistical mechanics of the exactly solvable square-lattice anisotropic Ising model is richer than those of the isotropic one when viewed in the complex temperature plane, as initially discussed by Michael Fisher in his generalization of Yang-Lee zeroes. We find two new incommensurately ordered phases with continuously varying periods. These can be mapped to time-crystal and spin-density wave phases of a 1+1 dimensional quantum circuit with measurements and postselection. This talk will also include an introduction to the tensor renormalization group, a modern method that successfully implements the block-spin renormalization scheme envisaged by Migdal/Kadanoff.