Sabre Kais: Quantum Machine-Learning for Complex Many-Body Systems on Quantum Devices

Date and Time
Elings Hall 1601
Sabre Kais

Abstract : In this talk, I will give a general introduction to quantum algorithms for electronic structure calculations. Then, focus on quantum machine learning, particularly the Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM), as it  emerged to be a promising alternative approach  leveraging  the power of quantum computers. The workhorse of our technique is a shallow neural network encoding the desired state of the system with the amplitude computed by sampling the Gibbs−Boltzmann distribution using a quantum circuit and the phase information obtained classically from the nonlinear activation of a separate set of neurons.  In Addition to present  successful applications for electronic structure  of 2D-materials I will discuss  the training dynamics by unraveling how quantum information is scrambled through such a network introducing correlation among its constituent sub-systems. Finally, I will discuss possible applications of RBM in the field of open quantum dynamics.

Bio:  Sabre Kais  is a distinguished professor of chemistry with a courtesy appointments in computer science, physics and electrical and computer engineering at Purdue. The research in his group is mainly devoted to quantum information and quantum computing for complex chemical systems.  He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society,  Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Guggenheim Fellow, Purdue University Faculty Scholar,  National Science Foundation Career Award Fellow, 2012  Sigma Xi Research Award, and 2019 Herbert Newby McCoy Award, Purdue university.

“Quantum Machine Learning for Electronic Structure Calculations”
 Rongxin Xia and  Sabre  KaisNature Comm. 9, 4195  (2018)

 “Quantum Machine-Learning for Eigenstate Filtration in Two-Dimensional Materials”,  Manas SajjanShree Hari Sureshbabu and  Sabre Kais,   JACS 143, 44, 18426  (2021).

“Quantum Machine Learning for Chemistry and Physics”
Manas Sajjan, Junxu Li, Raja Selvarajan, Shree Hari Sureshbabu, Sumit Suresh Kale, Rishabh Gupta, Vinit Singh and Sabre Kais, Chemical Society Reviews,  51, 6475 (2022).

“Imaginary components of out-of-time-order correlator and information scrambling for navigating the learning landscape of a quantum machine learning model”, Manas Sajjan, Vinit Singh, Raja Selvarajan and Sabre KaisPHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 5, 013146 (2023).