Charlotte Boettcher: From quantum phase transitions to quantum bits
Charlotte Boettcher
Stanford University
Applied Physics
Time: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Location: Elings Hall 1601
Abstract: This talk will discuss the interaction between the fields of quantum information and condensed matter physics. Even though the aims and techniques employed in each field are vastly different, interactions can prove invaluable for the advancement of both fields. As an example, we begin by discussing the fundamental mechanism that leads to the breakdown of superconductivity in thin films, known as the superconductor-insulator transition (SIT). We will discuss how Josephson junctions — a building block of superconducting quantum devices — can be fabricated into arrays to serve as both a novel platform to study quantum phase transitions, as well as a pathway to construct quantum simulators of interacting many-body systems such as the Hubbard model. We then ask if it is possible to invoke the rich physics of quantum phase transitions to design new superconducting circuit elements with unique functionalities, and how such devices could be used to advance quantum information science.