Sharadh Jois: Novel Materials and Superconductor Devices for Advanced Computing
Date: Monday, March 24th, 2025
Location: Elings Hall, room 1601
Time: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Novel Materials and Superconductor Devices for Advanced Computing
Abstract: Layered and 2D materials such as graphene and semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides are entering devices to enable Moore’s Law scaling. Devices using more exotic layered materials such as superconductors, magnets, and topological insulators are emerging as candidates for non-von Neumann computing architectures. Furthermore, the combination of these materials in heterostructure devices with pristine interfaces often leads to unexpected results that present even newer ways of computing. In this talk, I will share my findings on resonant states due to Klein tunneling and Andreev reflection in a naturally occurring p-n junction that forms at the interface of an unconventional superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x (BSCCO) and graphene (Jois, et al., PRL, 2023). Extending the studies to BSCCO-graphene-BSCCO double junctions, we find the electronic coupling between two resonant cavities contributes to a weak power-law decay in resonance period (Jois, et al., PRB, 2025, Submitted). Together, these results can lead to unconventional graphene Josephson junctions. Topological materials and superconductors are also candidates for next-generation spintronics. I will share results on generating an intrinsic spin current that diffuses over several microns in a topological insulator thin film without ferromagnetic spin injectors (Jois, et al., APL 2025, Submitted). From my ongoing work, I will highlight the results on proximity effects in layered ferromagnet (Fe5GeTe2) on BSCCO (Jois, et al., 2025, in preparation) that can help create cryogenic logic and memory devices. Lastly, we will see how direct-write printing of conductive inks creates Ohmic contacts to different 2D and layered materials (Jois, et al., Adv. Electron. Mater., 2025, Submitted) due to the low-energy deposition. In comparison, the high-energy metal deposition in multi-step lithography processing often yields poor contacts. Printing contacts provides a scalable way to adopt novel materials in sensors and devices.
Bio: Sharadh received his Ph.D. in Nanoscale Engineering at SUNY Albany’s College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE). Upon completing his Ph.D., Sharadh won the National Research Council fellowship award for his proposal on superconductor-spintronics at the Laboratory for Physical Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.