Location: Thorlabs Crystalline Solutions, Santa Barbara, CA
Dates: July – October, 2022
Project Description: “I performed direct bonding of GaAs laser gain chip epitaxy to single-crystal diamond, which acts as an efficient heat spreader. I performed a thorough literature search of existing approaches for bonding to single-crystal diamonds, then experimented with techniques until I had developed a repeatable process. I produced multiple devices, one of which showed improved power handling over the previous generation of devices.” -Choquer
Relevance to Research: “I gained experience with direct bonding, lapping, and III-V substrate removal, which are processes I am using in my dissertation research. I also learned best practices for nanofabrication, which is applicable to my current and future work.” -Choquer
Figure #. Bonding of GaAs laser gain chip epitaxy to single-crystal diamond