Eli Zoghlin
Eli came to UCSB from his hometown of Rochester, NY, with a 4-year interlude at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh where he studied Materials Science and minored in Physics. At CMU he became interested in magnetism through work in the group of Michael McHenry on synthesizing and characterizing metallic amorphous nanocomposite ribbons for soft magnetic applications (e.g. electric motors). After a brief detour to Burning Man, Eli joined Prof. Stephen Wilson’s group in 2016 and began his thesis work by studying the metal-insulator transition in a doped pyrochlore iridate. He since has studied a wide variety of materials with interesting magnet and electronic ground states - utilizing a variety of scattering and bulk thermodynamic techniques – which are most often driven by strong electron-electron correlations, spin-orbit coupling or magnetic frustration. Much of this variety has been driven by his work commissioning and utilizing the high-pressure laser-based floating zone furnaces developed in the Wilson lab. In his role as a Quantum Foundry Associate Eli aims to utilize these furnaces to support the efforts of Thrust 1 by growing large volume, high-purity samples of novel natively entangled materials.