Casey Kim
Casey earned his B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering at the Cornell University. There, he worked with Darrell Schlom on the molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) synthesis and characterization of high-temperature superconducting cuprates and low-temperature transport phenomena of superconducting strontium ruthenate, Sr2RuO4. His interest in synthesis and characterization of condensed matter systems led him to pursue his Ph.D. in Materials at UCSB, where he joined the group of Ania Jayich and is co-advised by Chris Palmstrøm. Casey’s work at UCSB focuses on the growth and fabrication of single-crystalline diamond thin films as a host material for color centers such as nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center. In addition, he is working on growth, characterization, and fabrication of superconducting thin films for quantum information processing applications with Palmstrøm group’s cryogenic MBE system. In his spare time, Casey enjoys working out at the gym and going out for a walk.