Quantum Foundry Hosts Quantum Science Summer School

The Quantum Foundry recently hosted the NSF/DOE Quantum Science Summer School. The summer program focuses on training graduate students and postdocs in condensed matter, materials, and related fields for the next "quantum revolution.” The 2022 summer school focused on modern approaches to quantum materials synthesis from both experimental and theoretical perspectives. Topics included 2D materials, Bulk, and Thin Film Material Synthesis, Non-Equilibrium Materials, and Computational Materials Science.

The students benefited from learning the basic fundamentals of these topics, connections to applications, real-life demonstrations, and hands-on exercises. Throughout this two-week program, the students participated in interactive learning experiences with both theoretical and experimental leaders in the field and gained a connection to new technology. Along with lead organizer Joe Checkelsky from MIT, the Quantum Foundry hosted and also supported the program with talks by Quantum Foundry faculty members Susanne Stemmer, Chenhao Jin, Leon Balents, Stephen Wilson, Andrea Young, Vojtech Vlcek, and John Harter. Students also presented their research during poster sessions where their peers, UCSB faculty, and students were able to ask questions and enjoy the students' presentations. QS³ is supported by the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. More information about the program can be found here.