Exotic quantum matter from quantum spin liquids to quantum field theories

The Foundry was pleased to support the international workshop on "Exotic quantum matter from quantum spin liquids to quantum field theories" at the Pollica Physics Center in Pollica, Italy. 

June 17, 2024
Workshop Organizers

The Foundry was pleased to support the international workshop on "Exotic quantum matter from quantum spin liquids to quantum field theories" at the Pollica Physics Center in Pollica, Italy.  From June 17-28, about 50 scientists from around the world met in this tiny village in Italy to discuss emergent phenomena in quantum materials.  Leon Balents from the Foundry organized the workshop along with Oleg Starykh (U. Utah), Lucile Savary (CNRS FACTS international research laboratory), Federico Becca (U. Trieste) and Roberta Citro (U. Salerno).  Talks covered a range of topics from frustrated magnetism, doped Mott insulators, quantum Hall effects, alter magnetism, and quantum simulators.