QF Faculty Member Andrea Young receives $2 million award to develop a more stable quantum architecture

"UC Santa Barbara physics professor Andrea Young believes the answer lies in a more robust, but still hypothetical “topological” approach to quantum computing, theorized over two decades ago. But this strategy comes with its own challenges."

July 9, 2024
Photo of Andrea Young, Photo Credit Sonia Fernandez

Excerpt from The UCSB Current SCIENCE + TECHNOLOGY

UC Santa Barbara physics professor Andrea Young believes the answer lies in a more robust, but still hypothetical “topological” approach to quantum computing, theorized over two decades ago. But this strategy comes with its own challenges. “Despite the incredible conceptual promise of topological protection, the world seems ready to move on,” he said, “focusing resources on engineering conventional quantum bits despite their inherent lack of coherence.”

Fortunately, not everyone has given up hope. The Brown Institute for Basic Sciences at Caltech has named Young a winner of one of their National Brown Investigator Awards. The honor comes with $2 million over five years to further develop the techniques involved in creating topological quantum systems.

“We take tremendous pride in Professor Young's selection for the prestigious Brown Investigator Award, which is a first for our campus and a strong testament to Andrea's novel approaches in the field of quantum electronics,” said UC Santa Barbara Chancellor Henry T. Yang. 


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